Summary Beast Quest : Cypher The Mountain Giant


Book title : Beast Quest : Cypher The Mountain Giant

Author              : Adam Blade

Publisher          : Scholastic

Date published : June 2007

Number of Pages : 76 Pages

ISBN                : 978-0-439-92225-8

Genre                 : Fiction/Fantasy


One boy’s journey to help his village becomes a quest to save the kingdom. The South of Avantia was destroyes by a dragon. A sea serpent flooded the West. Now, a giant terrorizes the North all in the name of the dark wizard Malvel. Even the bravest knights had been defeated by these beasts. But Tom has already freed two of them and vows that he won’t stop until Malvel’s reign of chaos is over. But cypher th mountain giant is no ordinary beast. He has incredible power and unusual cunning. 

Summary about this novel

                Tom, the young blacksmith’s apprentice, and his friend Elenna continue on their quest to free the land of Avantia from the torments of six beasts. They have already succeeded in releasing a dragon and a sea monster from the spell of the evil sorcerer Malvel. Now the two are trekking to the mountains where Cypher, a giant, has been causing avalanches that block the kingdom’s trade routes.

                After a mudslide nearly kills the friends, they discover the buried remains of a town named Colton. They come across a merchant trying to stop three villagers from stealing supplies for their families. Elenna’s tamed wolf, Silver, frightens the men into dropping their bags and fleeing. When a rockslide traps the would-be robbers inside a house, the townspeople think it is justice, but Tom insists on freeing the men from their tomb. While others finally come to their aid, they soon realize that they will not be able to remove the boulders before the house is crushed with the men inside. Tom remembers a lesson from his blacksmith days: Everything has a breaking point. Tom uses his sword to split the rocks, leaving the men to clear the rubble.

                Once the thieves are released, they reward Tom for his kindness with information they have about the giant. Cypher lives on a plain in the mountains. Tom and Elenna must follow the main trail but always take the path to the right. The friends follow the men’s advice until Silver and Storm, Tom’s horse, pull them to the left fork in the road. Another rockslide threatens to kill them. The friends are separated in the avalanche. Elenna and Silver are trapped in a cave. Tom tries to free them but can’t before Cypher attacks. The giant is as tall as a tree and large as a house.

                Tom must use a magic key given to him by Avantia’s wizard, Aduro, to unlock the enchanted chain around Cypher’s neck. The chain keeps Cypher bound to Malvel. Tom’s success will save not only the kingdom, but also Elenna, since Tom can’t free her from the cave until the giant is defeated. Tom leads Cypher away from Elenna and Silver and has to climb the giant to reach the magical lock. Cypher thrashes about and tries to force Tom off of him. Instead of Tom falling off of him, the two plunge over a cliff. Both manage to hang onto the ledge. Tom realizes that this might be his only chance to free Cypher. He climbs down Cypher’s arm and reaches the lock. Once the enchanted chain falls away, Cypher is released from Malvel’s spell. Tom points out a foothold for the giant to use in order to climb up the cliff. Cypher returns the favor and pulls Tom up behind him. Cypher then helps Tom free Elenna from the cave. Cypher rewards Tom with a tear that splashes onto the boy’s shield.

                Aduro the wizard appears and tells Tom that the giant’s tear has given the shield new magic. If Tom ever finds himself falling from a great height, he need only hold the shield above his head, and it will slow his fall. The wizard also sends the two on their next quest. Tom and Elenna decide to spend the night with the townspeople, knowing they will need their strength to fight the new beast, but also knowing that together, they will be able to defeat any foe.

  • Why did you decide to read this book? 

Because the cover is interesting and I like fantasy novel, so I choose this book.

  • Were you glad that you decide to read it?

Yes im glad to read it.

  • What did you like best about this book?

Because I like fantasy story, so I think this book is good enough, the story line, the plot, and the characteristic at all character. And I can feel the astmosphere of this story, its feels like I realy jump into the story and hunting for the beast in the mountain.

  • What did you like least?

The story was good, but the problem is because this books is written in English and English is not my first language, so I was hardly to understand some words.

  • Would you recommend this book to a friend? Explain.

Yes I would recommend this book to a friend, because this book is good on its story line and simple too, and the language is easy to understand.

  • On a scale of 1-10, how difficult was this book for you? (1 = easy, 10 = difficult) Why?

6. Because my English is not good, so sometimes I use a translator to find the meaning for some words.