Book title : Earth

Author              : Tere Liye

Publisher          : Gramedia Pustaka Media

Date published : February 2020

Number of Pages : 432 Pages

ISBN                : 9786020627519

Genre                 : Fiction/Fantasy


Summary about this novel

                The main character of this novel is Raib. Raib is an ordinary student. At school she has a good friend named Seli and she has 2 cats, Hitam and Putih. Raib has a teacher named Mrs.Selena. Raib has the power that other people don't know, that is, he can disappear. 

          So one day, she has pimple on her face, so she tried to eliminate that pimple by using her power and it works. And it turns out, after being explained by Mrs. Selena. Raib didn't come from the earth, she is descendant of the moon clan. So in this novel, it is told that the earth is not what we see. On earth there are also other lives, namely the moon clan and the sun clan. 

          The ordinary people don’t know this because the moon clan and the sun clan are in different dimensions. And apparently, Mrs. Selena also came from the moon clan who was assigned to monitor Raib. 

          In school, Raib has a friend, his name is Ali. At school, Ali is a naughty student, he likes to sleep in class and likes to fight with teacher. But in fact, Ali is a smart kid. He often slept in class because he was bored with the lesson. If he wants, he can even accelerate to college. 
          Seli can release lightning out of his hand. At first, Raib was not close to Ali. Until one day, when Raib and Seli were on their way home after school, the electrical substation near them exploded and the electric pole collapsed towards them and the electric cable on the pole first struck towards them before the pole came.
          Unable to escape, Seli decides to catch 2 electric cables coming towards them and the flow of electricity goes to her hand. However, Seli did not even feel the slightest pain. After that Seli threw the 2 cables and hit the school wall.
          Raib surprised to see what happened. Without them knowing, the electric pole was near to them. In panic, Raib finally raised his five hands towards the electric pole and shouted "Disappear", then in an instant, the electric pole was gone.
          Apparently, Ali saw all the events. He was surprised and did not expect for what he saw. He immediately took Raib and Seli to the school hall because he was sure that in a few minutes people would come.
          When already in the hall, suddenly someone came. Turns out it was Tamus. Tamus tried to invite Raib back to the moon clan and said that he would train Raib. Raib did not believe Tamus and finally Tamus chose to attack the three of them, but Mrs. Selena came and helped them.
          Fighting ensued, until finally Mrs. Selena was injured and suddenly a mysterious dark circle appeared. Mrs. Selena told to Raib, Seli, and Ali to enter the circle to save themselves. At first Raib did not want to because he did not want to leave Mrs. Selena alone. 
          Finally, with coercion, Raib, Seli and Ali entered the dark circle. Apparently, the black wheel was a portal between clans, and the portal took them to the moon clan.Their journey starts from here. In the moon clan, they fight and look after each other. They fought and ventured to prevent Tamus from destroying the barriers between clans.


  • Why did you decide to read this book? 

Because i was finished read this book but in Bahasa Indonesia version, and this is one of my favorite novel. So i choose this book to read again in english version.

  • Were you glad that you decide to read it?

Yes im glad to read it.

  • What did you like best about this book?

Because I like fiction genre, so I like this book, the story line and the plot is simple. And I can feel the astmosphere of this story, its feels like I realy jump into the story and traveling to other universe.

  • What did you like least?

My problem when i read this book are same with the previous book that i posted. This book is written in english version, so i can't clearly understand to some words, so i used google translate when i found it, and it's caused i don't realy get the atmosphere of the story like when i read the Indonesian version of this book.

  • Would you recommend this book to a friend? Explain.

Yes I would recommend this book to a friend, because this book have incredible story and good moral value too.

  • On a scale of 1-10, how difficult was this book for you? (1 = easy, 10 = difficult) Why?

5. Because my English is not good, so sometimes I use a translator to find the meaning for some words.