Book title : Moon

Author : Tere Liye

Publisher : Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Data published : 2019                                      

Number of pages : 344 pages

Genre (Type of book) : Science-Fiction



            In this second book of the Earth Saga the story going more complicated. If in the first book the main character is on Raib, but in this book the main character is on Seli but the point of view are still from Raib. And if in the first book the story are in the moon clan, but in this second book we’ll bring to sun clan.

            The world of the Sun Clan is a world of highlands. If the Earth Clan lived on the ground, the Moon Clan were live in underground, then the Sun Clan lived among the clouds, and on the slopes of the majestic mountains. The Sun Clan was the most advanced clan compared of the Earth Clan and Moon Clan. There are animals are also unique and amazing. There were giant lions, big-sized bees, giraffes with horns and others. The technology in the Sun Clan was very advanced. Led by a Council of twelve elders. The names of people in the Sun Clan are also very unique, such as Mala-tara-tana II, Mena-tara-nata II, Fala-tara-tana IV, Hana-tara-hata, Saba-tara-taba, and many more.

            Raib, Seli, and Ali accidentally follow the diplomacy that will be carried out by Miss Keriting and Av (a librarian from the Moon Clan). It was unexpected that the three of them were in the Sun Clan when the Sunflower Festival was on going. The head of the Council of the Sun Clan wants Raib, Seli, Ali, and also Ily (as a substitute for his parents from the Moon Clan to participate in the festival). They are the tenth contingent that riding the white tiger to find the sunflower that is blooming for the first time. This festival means a lot to the Sun Clan. Nine contingents from nine factions competed to get the sunflower. The contingent who participated in this festival were young people who were strong, well trained, tough, and had good survival skills. Because not infrequently they will face various threats while on the competition. On their way to find the sunflower, they faced many obstacles. They have to solve clues and get past various threats. On their way to find the sunflower, they were also betrayed by one of the contingents who cheated. Each contingent tried hard to find the flower. Because this Sunflower Festival is so precious to the Sun Clan.